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MCE (Multi-game Character Editor) is a user-friendly ReAction-based open source editor of character files, saved games, levels, graphics and high score tables for these 121 games: * Arazok's Tomb (1987) S * Barbarian 2 (Psygnosis) & Obliterator (1988-1991) S * Bard's Tale 1-3 & Construction Set (1987-1992) C+S * BattleTech (1989) S * Bloodwych & Extended Levels (1989) S * Bomb Jack 1 (1988) G+L * Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday (1990) C * California 1 & 2/Winter/World Games (1987-1992) H * Cannon Fodder 1 & 2 (1993-1994) S * Chambers of Shaolin (1989) C * Champions of Krynn 1-3 (1990-1992) C * Citadel of Vras (1989) S * Computer Scrabble Deluxe (1988) S * Conflict Europe (1989) S * Dark Castle & Beyond Dark Castle (1988-1989) H+S * Deja Vu 1 & 2/Shadowgate/Uninvited (1986-1989) S * Demon's Winter (1989) S * Dragon Wars (1990) S * Druid 2: Enlightenment (1988) H+L * Dungeon Master 1-2 & Chaos Strikes Back (1989-1995) L+S * Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2 (1990-1992) S * F/A-18 Interceptor (1988) C * Faery Tale Adventure (1986) S * Firepower & Turbo (1987-1989) G+L * Garrison 1 & 2 (1987-1988) H+L * Grand Monster Slam (1989) H * Great Giana Sisters/Hard 'n' Heavy (1988-1989) H * GridStart 1-3 (1987-1988) H * HackLite/Larn/Moria/Rogue (1986-1993) H+S * Heroes of the Lance & Dragons of Flame (1988-1989) H+S * Hillsfar (1989) C * Impossible Mission 2 (1988) H+S * Insanity Fight (1987) G+L * It Came from the Desert 1 & 2 (1989-1990) S * Keef the Thief (1989) S * Last Ninja Remix (1990) S * Legend of Faerghail (1990) S * Legend of Lothian (1991) S * Mercenary: Escape from Targ & The Second City (1986) S * Might & Magic 2 & 3 (1990-1992) S * Mindshadow/Borrowed Time/Tass Times in Tonetown (1985-1986) S * Neuromancer (1989) S * Nitro (1990) H * Oo-Topos & Transylvania 1 & 2 (1986) S * Panza Kickboxing 1 & 2 (1990-1992) C * Phantasie 1 & 3 (1987) S * Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions (1992-1995) H * Pirates! & Pirates! Gold (1990-1994) S * Pool of Radiance 1-4 (1990-1992) C * Quadralien (1988) L+S * Questron 2 (1988) S * Ragnarok (1993) S * Return of the Jedi (1988) H * Robin Hood & Rome: AD92 (1991-1992) L+S * Rockford (1988) G+H+L * Rorke's Drift (1990) C * Shadowlands & Shadoworlds (1992) S * SideWinder 1 & 2 (1988-1989) G+L * Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1987) S * Slaygon (1987) S * Speedball 1 & 2 (1988-1991) S * Syndicate (1993) S * Temple of Apshai (1986) C+S * Times of Lore (1988) S * TV Sports Baseball/Basketball/Boxing/Football (1988-1992) C * Ultima 3-6 (1986-1992) C+S * War in Middle Earth (1988) S * Wizardry 6 (1990) S * Zerg (1989) S C = Characters G = Graphics H = High score tables L = Levels S = Saved games OS4.1FEu1 or later, AISS (Amiga Image Storage System) and the AmigaOS Enhancer Software Core are recommended but not required. Changes since V15.21: Summary: * Enhanced Phantasie 1 & 3 saved game editor. * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes. Details: ph: fixed: "character #" integer gadget was not working properly. ph: fixed: glyphs were not being drawn on "location..." and "party location..." buttons. ph: raised score limit to 999. ph3: added support for the 3 "quest status" variables. ph1: added support for 11 more spells. mm,por,rorke: now uses a custom mouse pointer. csd,lol,syn: fixed: "use custom pointer?" menu item was always ghosted. cf: now allows editing of number of soldiers in reserve. fixed: pointer colours were not being restored in some situations. now always uses default colours for crosshair mouse pointer. |
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