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 Readme for:  Game » Platform » supermariowar.lha

Super Mario War

Description: Super Mario War a VERY good multiplaye game!
Download: supermariowar.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 18Mb
Version: 1.8
Date: 23 Aug 2014
Author: Michael Schaffer, Florian Hufsky, contributors, AOS4 port by Huno
Submitter: K-L
Email: nouvel hugues/free fr
Homepage: http://www.clubevolution4.com/HunoPortSDL/
Requirements: SDL
Category: game/platform
Replaces: game/platform/smw.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 8918
Comments: 22
Snapshots: 3
Videos: 0
Downloads: 299  (Current version)
1697  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Amiga French Team 2014

AmigaOS 4 port and optimizations : Hugues 'HunoPPC" Nouvel

Super Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game.

The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game.

It's a tribute to Nintendo and the game Mario War by Samuele Poletto.

The game uses artwork and sounds from Nintendo games. We hope that this
noncommercial fangame qualifies as fair use work. We just wanted to create this
game to show how much we adore Nintendo's characters and games.

- Up to four players deathmatch fun
- a whole bunch of game modes (featuring GetTheChicken, Domination, CTF, ...)
- Comes with the leveleditor - you can create your own maps...
- ... and a lot of people did so. There are currently over 1000 maps
- More fun than poking a monkey with a stick
- The whole source code of the game is available, for free
- uses SDL and is fully portable to windows, linux, mac, ...
- CPU Players
- will make you happy and gives you a fuzzy feeling

Original Developers:
- Michael Schaffer
- Florian Hufsky
- An incredible ammount of contributors

Thanks go to:

My Wife "Claire" and my children "Matthis and Sorhenn" for allowing me some time
to develop 
Hyperion Entertainment  -  For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
RELEC for my X1000 NEMO
Batteman for my PEGASOS 2  
My French BetaTesters  (LIO,KL, ZZD10H)
and of course the whole AMIGA community

Send Bugreports for the AmigaOS 4.x version to :
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Donate to nouvel.hugues(AT)free.fr

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