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 Readme for:  Game » Adventure » ulmosadventure.lha


Description: A cute action RPG.
Download: ulmosadventure.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 3Mb
Version: 1.0
Date: 18 Dec 2013
Author: Sam Eldred, AmigaOS 4.x packaging by Spot / PFP
Submitter: Spot / Up Rough
Email: spotUP/gmail com
Requirements: Python. PyGame, SDL, SDL_Image, SDL_Mixer, SDL_TTF + their dep libs.
Category: game/adventure
Replaces: game/adventure/ulmosadventure.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 8500
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads: 238  (Current version)
354  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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                       O    O                        O     O
                   o           o                  o            o
                  o             .               .               o
                    .                  .____.        _______   .
 ._______________________.___________  |    |__   .__\__.   \  ____.___________.
 |     __     /   ___    |    __    /__|___ __/___|__ _ |  \ \|    |     __    |
 |    |_/    /    \_|    |    |/   /   ___/ |     __//  |___\      |    |_/    |
 |    ______/|___________|____|\_______|__________|_____|    \_____|_____      |
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       |     __     /   __     /_\     __     |    ____/____)    __/______
       |    |_/    /    |/    /   \    \_|    |    __/ |    |    |_/     /
   .   |    ______/_____|\_________\__________|    |   |____|___________/    .
       |____|                                 |____|
  o                       .                              .                    o
   o                    o         P R E S E N T S          o                 o
         O        O            ULMO'S ADVENTURE [OS4]           O       O

                                 A CUTE ACTION RPG

                         AUTHOR ................. SAM ELDRED
                         PORTED BY .................... SPOT
                         SUPPLIED BY .................. SPOT
                         TYPE ......................... GAME
                         REQUIRES .............. PYGAME, SDL

- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -

Help Ulmo evade enemies, collect coins and find his way to the end of an amazing
(but short) adventure.

This game started life as an experiment to see if I could implement a pseudo 3D
gameworld in a top-down 2D style - you can see this in the way that sprites can 
move behind or under stuff. Following that, I had lofty ambitions to turn it 
into a Zelda-style RPG, but I soon realised that I didn't have the necessary
or talent! Nonetheless, it's a playable game and the gameworld itself has a 
pleasing physicality to it I think.

Graphics were created in Gimp, sounds in CFXR and soundtrack in Pxtone. I also 
wrote a map editor for it in Java SWT which is available from the project site.

Use cursor keys to move, space to do stuff, X to toggle sound and ESC to quit.

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