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 Readme for:  Game » Adventure » freedink.lha


Description: FreeDink, a 2D adventure/RPG game
Download: freedink.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 29Mb
Version: 1.08r5
Date: 10 Jun 2010
Author: RTsoft, The FreeDink Team, AOS4 port by HunoPPC
Submitter: Lio
Email: ls3/mageos com
Homepage: http://www.freedink.org/
Requirements: AmigaOS4.1upd1, 64Mo graphic RAM
Category: game/adventure
Replaces: game/adventure/freedink_lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 5611
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 3
Videos: 0
Downloads: 519  (Current version)
628  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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WARNING : this is a beta release !

FreeDink is a portable and enhanced version of the Dink Smallwood game engine,
an adventure/role-playing game similar to Zelda (2D top view), made by RTsoft.
The AmigaOS4 port is done by Hugues Nouvel (HunoPPC).

The game features the twisted adventure of young Dink Smallwood, a pig farmer
who leaves his town and goes on a quest to save the world. Besides twisted
humour, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds
of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. The Dink Network
hosts a copy of almost all of them.

- tested on AOS4.1 update 2 (untested on AOS4.0 and AOS4.1) 
- tested on SAM Flex 800 Mhz and AmigaOneXEG4 800 Mhz (with ATI Radeon 9000PRO)
- report bugs to HunoPPC at http://www.clubevolution4.com/HunoPortSDL/
- due to copyrights reasons, some sounds are missing (more information in

RELEASE NOTES for version 1.08r5 : 
- Adding full support of locale, 6 languages (Danish, Dutch, French, German,
Macedonian and Spanish)
- Support locale with lib gettext 0.17 include in the executable (static)
- Fix fullscreen/window mode and added new key, Alt/F12
- Fix GR and log error on loading save file (repport by JESTER).
- Full support on natif dir.ff files and now BMP is not required.
- Fixed a --repdir now on PROGDIR:
- Fade fixed and improve speed on the game objects
- Problem with copyright and now no DMOD and original sound of game in this
- New version of the engine V1.08 20100601
- Fix bug on AmigaInput crash

Just start the game, choose your language in the options menu, and enjoy the
game !
To make the change permanent, copy the files ENV:language and ENV:LC_MESSAGES to

HOW TO PLAY D-mods :
- D-mods are available through the Dink network http://dinknetwork.com/
- You need to unpack the D-mods on your PC
- Use the command line freedink -truecolor -g island/ -r

- tool to extract DMODs files

- the game contains a lot of small files therefore disk loading might gives
lags, even let you think the game crashed, specially under FFS.


My Wife and children to allow me time to develop 
Hyperion Entertainment  -  For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
ACube and Faranheit for my SAM EP440 / SAM FLEX
All my betatesters at http://www.clubevolution4.com/HunoPortSDL/
and the AMIGA community

Bugreports for AmigaOS 4x at NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues nouvel.hugues()orange.fr

File Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
freedink-src.lha1.08r52Mb15 Jun 20104.1157¤ Freedink-src - FreeDink source code
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