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ALLEGRO, LIBJPEG, LIBZ - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - ----------------------------------- TankGame 1.0e, Build: 4th Jan 2010 ----------------------------------- (C) 2009-2010 by Dennis Busch, Dennis-Busch()gmx.net, http://www.dennisbusch.de Content ------- 0.) Disclaimer 1.) What is it? 2a.) Why does it exist? 2b.) Version History 3.) How to play, Controls 4.) Copyright & Spreading 5.) References 0.) Disclaimer -------------- #include <std_disclaimer.h> "I do not accept responsibility for any effects, adverse or otherwise, that this code may have on you, your computer, your sanity, your dog, and anything else that you can think of. Use it at your own risk." --- All code was written and compiled without evil intention. Use the executable at your own risk. 1.) What is it? --------------- TankGame is a simple game for two players, written in C++, using the wonderful "Allegro"[R1] library as a framework. The goal of the game for each player is to eliminate the respective other player by destroying their tank within a timelimit or to do as much damage as possible. Inspiration: The game was inspired by an Atari 2600 game, called "Combat"[R2]. 2a.) Why does it exist? ---------------------- It was originally written for a school assignment based on the following requirements: - game for two to four players - not single player against the machine - may be written in any language - must have a help option with instructions - scores must be saved into a file - must use OOP - use of PHP is allowed - must have a GUI - if it uses a database, it must be created at runtime or be included - must fit into a zip file of a maximum of 5MB - a runnable executable must be included - fully commented sourcecode must be included 2b.) Version History -------------------- 1.0e 4th Jan 2010 -set the default color depth to 32 (can be changed in constants.cfg) -fixed a minor problem with the graphic resources not being converted correctly upon initialization 1.0d 3rd Jan 2010 -added sound effects (created with "SFXR"[R3]) 1.0c 17th May 2009 -the original version for the assignment 3.) How to play --------------- From the main menu use up and down arrow keys and enter-key to go to "Choose Players" to select the players. In the "Choose Players" menu, use up and down arrow keys to navigate through the registered player names and use left and right arrow keys to assign the green and the red tanks to two different players. Navigate to "register new player" and hit enter to register a new player. Use the escape key to go back to the main menu. Use left and right arrow keys in main menu to select the battle arena. Navigate to "Start Game" and hit enter-key to start the match. In the game, the control keys are the following. IMPORTANT NOTE about the rotation keys: They work like this: TAP a key once to start rotating in that direction TAP the key again to stop rotating in that direction It is not necessary to keep the rotation key depressed. It is not recommended to keep any key depressed, because of the hardware limitations of most keyboards (there is a maximum number of keys that can be depressed at the same time, which is between 3 and 6 for most keyboards). KEYS for green tank: Q,W - rotate gun counterclockwise, clockwise A,S - rotate tank counterclockwise, clockwise E - fire gun (only possible if it is loaded) D - toggle engine between <forward, stop, reverse, stop> KEYS for red tank: numpad7, numpad8 - rotate gun counterclockwise, clockwise numpad4, numpad5 - rotate tank counterclockwise, clockwise numpad9 - fire gun (only possible if it is loaded) numpad6 - toggle engine between <forward, stop, reverse, stop> ALTERNATE KEYS for red tank for keyboards that don't have a number pad are U,I,J,K,O,L (functions in same order as above) Each players goal is to destroy the other tank or to do as much damage as possible within the timelimit to win. Shooting builds up heat. Getting hit builds up heat as well. If a players tank is too hot, it can not shoot until it cools down a bit. The more damage a tank has taken, the slower it will be able to move. The winning player scores one point. The winning player scores two additional points if he wins without taking any damage. Have Fun! You can always check how well each individual player did, by viewing the "Scores" from the main menu. 4.) Copyright & Spreading ------------------------- all code is (C) 2009-2010 by Dennis Busch, reuse without explicit written permission from author for any purpose other than compiling it into a runnable executable or for educational evaluation is strictly prohibited all graphics are (C) 2009 by Dennis Busch, reuse without explicit written permission from author for either commercial or non-commercial use is strictly prohibited all sounds were generated using SFXR [R3] by carefully setting and tweaking all the available parameters :) You may spread as many copies of this archive as you wish, provided that you keep the archive intact and in its original form and that you do not remove or change this copyright notice and that you do not claim to have intellectual ownership rights to any of its content. 5.) References -------------- [R1] Allegro - http://alleg.sourceforge.net/ Allegro is released as giftware by the Allegro developer community. [R2] Combat - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_(video_game) Combat is (C) 1977 by Atari, Inc. [R3] SFXR - http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html SFXR is a Sound Effect Generator written by DrPetter 2007-12-14 |
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