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 Readme for:  Development » Language » python.lha


Description: Python 2.4.1 for AmigaOS4.0
Download: python.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 4Mb
Version: 2.4.1
Date: 06 Feb 2006
Author: The Python team/AmigaOS4.0 port by Hans-Joerg Frieden
Submitter: Hans-Joerg Frieden
Email: Hans-JoergF/hyperion-entertainment biz
Requirements: AmigaOS >= 4.0, newlib.library >= 3.9
Category: development/language
License: Other
Distribute: no
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 1580
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 776  (Current version)
776  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Python 2.4.1 for AmigaOS 4.0

Very preliminary, very buggy, very incomplete. This was a quick-and-dirty port
of Python 2.4.1 (and yeah, I know 2.4.2 is out in the meantime) I did a while
back and didn't get around to working on much. I plan to update to 2.4.2 soon
and add a bit of functionality whenever I get the time.


This software is probably quite buggy, and lacks (AmigaOS-specific)

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